Friday, March 14, 2014

Natural event

White bluish flashes that precede large earthquakes and last for a couple of seconds. In 1960 people toon pictures if this phenomenon during the Matsushiro earthquake scientists suggest that lights are caused by pre-earthquake elements and awaken natural electrical charge of rocks then causing sparkle and glow 


A Paleontologist means "The scientific study of prenistoric life. It includes the study of fossils to determine organisms evolution and interaction with each other and their environment." But they have more other jobs then just studying fossils, such as a Micropalentology,paleobotany , vertebrate paleontology and ichnology paleoecology. Paleontologist is a fun and hard working job.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Letter of Mendel

Dear Mendel,

The structure of DNA explains your genetic discoveries of factors, now called genes.DNA actually contains genes that allow characteristics to appear and either be dominant or not. However the structure of the DNA being a double helix allows for the base pairing theory to be applied such as A to G and C to T resulting in the identical strips of DNA used to create offspring's through the parent's DNA. So your discoveries on factors and P1 and F1 are largely determined by the structure of DNA since DNA contains the genetic information  in the structure of a double helix .When parents produce an offspring, the offspring genetic information is a combination of both parents'.

                                                                                                     Janell Becerra


Diamante poems of Dinosaurs